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Listening to the song of the world that the trees hear.

Find a tree where you can rest comfortably for a while. The size is not important, though a large, mature tree is a little better to start with.

Settle down as close as you can get so that it is possible to relax comfortably. If you feel secure enough then close your eyes, if not relax your gaze and keep a relaxed focus at a comfortable distance.

Begin to relax your body and your breath. If you know the Tree Breath for that species you can begin with a few minutes of practice.

As your breath settles, place your awareness, not in your mind with its thoughts, but at your ears. Whenever your attention drifts inwards to listen to thoughts, send it out again to find focus upon your ears.

Relax your listening, hearing all the sounds around you all at once. (We habitually turn our attention between identifying one sound and then another.)

Now keep your awareness in your ears, simply allowing the one sound of the world to pass into your senses with all the different frequencies and silences knitted together.

Hold in your hearing all sounds, both nearby, inside your body and mind, and those that you hear from the far distance. It takes practice to relax enough to allow all sound to be perceived simultaneously, but this relaxed openness with alert awareness is the open quality of tree consciousness. It helps us to blend with the world and to begin to flow into greater awareness.

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