
Posts Tagged ‘information’


A Little More On DownLoading

This process is very similar to that described in Robert Monroe’s “Far Journeys”. Rather than receiving information as a linear flow of explanation, the unfolding of understanding in linear progression, he describes exchange of information packets he calls a ‘rote’, which can be instantly given and received complete into the mind. This can then be unpackaged, unravelled or revealed in a timescale and situation relevant and convenient to the holder. It has a similarity to the concept of a ‘gestalt’, and to holographic models, where information is complete but enfolded within itself.

The linearity of physical experience and the linearity of language is a constraint of living within time and space (these two concepts are one thing: time being simply the duration between spaces, the time it takes to get from A to B). Outside of physical experience, in the non-physical mind, for example, time and space do not dictate experience in the same way. We experience this all the time in dreaming where linear narrations can be overlain by loops, jumps and parallel views. We can go over the same scenario again, or from different viewpoints, or follow imagery that makes internal sense that can be very confusing when remembered from the waking state.

Thought is not a linear thing. One does not have a single stream of thought or language. As we learn language we use it to pick out some of the easily recongisable threads and weave them into a ‘hard’ thought.

Downloading allows exchange of information packets instantaneously because it occurs outside of that framework of linear time and space. New ideas and information can then naturally filter into conscious awareness over time, often feeling like a flow of inspiration, ideas or viewpoints.

It is not really important whether we believe in communication with sentient spirit energies or not. The ultimate source of inspiration cannot easily be uncovered. “All in the imagination” is as meaningless as “channelled from a Higher Entity”. We will, no doubt, have a preference or an opinion, but the value of the download is its usefulness to our life, its practical, emotional and spiritual value.

Localised pockets of sentience sending messages to each other is one scenario for existence, like stars sending out light to other stars distanced by millions of light years. Another model could present a field of fluctauting sentience underlying all physical manifestations that is received or amplified by localised receiving minds-brains-patterned subfields. In this hypothesis thought and awareness do not belong to any one being, but is a quality of the whole, accessible to all those parts that naturally or temporarily choose to align to a certain band of resonant frequencies.

Where there is an emotional attachment to a location, place or tree (positive or otherwise), then that is a good indication of a valuable resonant field. Such a place would be ideal to ask for an information/teaching download.

You will already be absorbing the underlying patterns that are present ( or else you would not be feeling any change of mood or perception).

All that is necessary ( or helpful, or polite,) is to acknowledge this resonant effect and ask that if there is any helpful or specific information/healing/teaching able to be given. Ask that it is downloaded as a package into your deep mind so that you will be able to work with it at convenient times.

Then simply stay quiet and alert for a little while. It is not necessary to be aware of any input. You may or may not feel a change of state. Perhaps, anyway, nothing is being ‘given’ or ‘transferred’ at all. It may be that a pre-existing connection or link is being strengthened or set up that will enable you to return to this same energetic environment when you later turn your mind back to it.

Usually information is unfolded as a new set of ideas or as a stream of thought that arises by itself over the next few hours or days. But maybe the download will flavour a much longer period of time.

The connection made need not even be experienced as a teaching or information that is new to us in some way. It might be experienced simply as an increased stability or state of being, a quietness or an attitude of flexibility.

Very often a download is a tendency to follow certain clues, to investigate and follow, to be attracted towards, to be led, to find solutions, to forget about solutions. Downloads are a change of perception, or allow the possibility of a different viewpoint. They can provide an instant of clarity or years of research. They can be denied or ignored but their presence, like any other memory, is always accessible, and colours everything from that moment on.



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